The Virginia Latino Leaders Council is a nonpartisan statewide organization comprised of Latino leaders and activists who focus on Latino civic engagement. The Council will communicate with Latino voters and establish a dialogue with Virginia’s state government officials to ensure that Virginia remains a welcoming community for all.​

Message From
J. Walter Tejada, President
Now more than ever, it is vital that Latinos participate in our country’s civic life. But the need is not only at the national level. We must participate at all levels: national, state and local. VLLC helps ensure that our community engages with leaders and candidates particularly at the state level, and we endorse those who best articulate the interests of Virginia's Latino community.
The Virginia Latino Leaders Council will continue to dialogue with political leaders, bring Latino leaders together, and promote civic engagement. Through this process, we seek to identify and encourage Latino leaders who can join locally influential committees or task forces that advise
school systems, city, town, county and state governments. This ensures Latino representation throughout the community, and can help identify, motivate and propel individuals to run for elected office. This is how we gain a voice in shaping public policy!
We look forward to continue working with you, our fellow community organizations, and allies to support Latino civic engagement and immigrant advocacy, and to elect candidates who support our agenda.